Sex/Relationship Related Conversation Starters

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These questions are my submission for my job at Here is a link to where students answer the questions: Curbsides

What is one thing you would like to teach opposite sex?
Which race would you like to add to your lineage?
What is one thing you cannot do, that you want to be able to do?

What is one question you would like to ask the opposite sex?
If a woman is wearing a shirt with a lot of cleavage showing, is it wrong to look?
For girls, you have 1 cubic foot of hair to put on a guy, where will you put it?
Where would you prefer to have your guy shaved?

Girls, would you rather have a guy who is an accountant or punches one out?

When have you gotten a gift to make up for something someone did wrong?
What works better? Foreplay or choreplay?
When was the last time you were hit on? What happened? were you into it? What would it have taken for you to have been?

When should I not talk to you?
What should I do when you go crazy?

Whats one thing you kept from your ex that you can say now?
What is one thing that is a turn on for you that for most people would be a turn OFF?
Do you have any friends you want out of the “friends zone”?
You are having a threesome with any of your significant other’s friends, who will it be?
What characteristics of the other sex do you have?

Too hot for work:
girls, would you rather lose 10 pairs of shoes or an inch from your guy?
why are girls hesitant when a guy wants to give her oral sex?

Conversation Starters: Time Related

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