What was the last time you got hit in the face with something?
Does anyone you know have witchlike powers?
What was your last all-nighter? Would you do it again?
What kind of animal body would you like to have? A horse? porcupine? mosquito?
What is the fastest vegetable?
Which of your roommates would not survive camping?
Who would handle camping better? you or your roommate?
What was your first date?
Who would you rather join a religion because of, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, or Amy Winehouse?
Have you ever been to a fortune teller? what happened?
What’s the last thing you’ve stolen from your roommate?
Whats the last thing you’ve found of your roommates that maybe you shouldnt have found?
What can’t you stand to watch people eat? What does it look/smell like?
Which fruits are the sexiest?
Which fruits/vegetables do you think have the most sex?
If you could wrestle anyone in mashed potatoes, who would it be?
If your school has a local body of water: What would you expect to find if you scuba dived __ lake
What was the last thing that happened to you at 4am (when you were awake)?