I said NO to smoking – oops, lesson learned

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I have been getting promotional items in the mail from cigarette companies since college. It’s worked out pretty well, I have this fireproof pouch, and zippo, and this cool key chain and other things.

Yesterday I got a letter telling me I can get a free beach towel if I filled out info on a website, custombeachtowel.com — Now, don’t go to the site just yet, you will need some information….

On the site, they ask for a few numbers that are supposed to be located on the mailer. One number I didnt see anywhere. So I called up customer service. They asked me my information, then Margaret from CS asked me if I am a smoker

“No.” I said in a ‘whatcha gonna do bout it’ fashion.
“Okay Mr. Orlick, because you said you are not a smoker, I will be taking your name off our promotional mailing list. Our promotional items are only available to people who ARE smokers”
“No wait! I was, off and on.”
“You are not a smoker.”
“Well, I can be convinced!”
“Sorry, Mr. O…” Click.

I cannot tell a lie. Maybe I should learn.


My Last Conversation Starters List

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Friday is my last day, here is my list of conversation starters.

Have you ever defended someone’s honor? When was the last time you should have? Was it against someone you know or not?

If your significant other said it was okay, would you cheat on them?

What was the reason you went to the doctor last?

Talk in an accent you’d like to have.

Whats your favorite combination of soft drinks?

What was the last time someone called at an inappropriate time? What happened? did you answer? Delete one person from your phone’s address book right now. Who’s gone? Do you wish you hadn’t? Is there anyone in your phone book that you know they don’t have your number?
What do you want more of?

I get inspiration from a few websites for conversation starters
Yelp talk boards

I usually start from things I’ve heard or conversations I’ve read and let my mind wander off. What would people argue about? What are people proud of? What would create the most emotions out of a person, good or bad.

This was probably the best part of my job at flix55.com. I hope I’ve helped some people have a bit of fun in the past year.

News Related Conversation Starters

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After my company decided not to use any of my conversation starters, I realized they were using ones related to news articles lately. Here are my Conversation starters related to news articles.

Harvard University has banned men from one of its gyms for a few hours a week to accommodate Muslim women who say it offends their sense of modesty to exercise in front of the opposite sex.
Do you feel uncomfortable exercising in front of the opposite sex? What do you think of girls who wear makeup to the gym? Do you wear makeup to the gym? Is there anything that you refuse to do at the gym? Guys, do you shower at the gym? Do you ever peek?
Is there anything in particular you feel uncomfortable doing in front of the opposite sex?

A wallet misplaced during a romantic embrace has been returned to its forgetful owner after 55 years. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6634215.stm
Did you ever lose something while making out with someone? Has a significant other ever stolen anything from you? Have you ever left anything at an ex’s place and realized later that you really want it back?
George W Bush backs John McCain, who has sealed the Republican nomination to run for US president.
When’s the last time a friend blew up your spot? Who’s your best wingman, what’s he do to help you? When’s the last time you’ve said ‘thanks, but no thanks’ to something? What does a family member make that you absolutely hate to eat?
House price growth across Europe slowed sharply in the second half of 2007, according to a report. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7277588.stm
How much do you pay in rent? Do you think it’s worth it? Which of your friends has the best shit in their apartment? Do you feel bad for the people getting your apartment next year? What surprises will they find? Did you find any surprises with your current abode?

Body-conscious teenagers may believe cutting out breakfast will help them lose weight, but the opposite appears to be the case, US research suggests. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7275554.stm
When’s the last time you ate?

In a recent survey of more than 4,000 college students across the country, a sociology professor at Stanford University found that women in college orgasm less than half as often as college males during hook-ups. http://media.www.dailyorange.com/media/storage/paper522/news/2007/11/14/News/O.Gap.College.Women.Orgasm.Less.Than.Men-3099397.shtml
Do you care if you partner has an orgasm? Do you feel guilty if they don’t? When’s the last time you really Conquered in bed? Is there anything in your bedroom you would be embarrassed if a potential suitor saw? What is it? Where do you hide it? What do you hide when your parents come to visit? Have you ever hooked up with someone who reminded you a little too much of a member of your family?

Food Blog Help

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Here are some links to sites that can help us with our food blogs.
I havent used them all yet, but they have some good info and resources

hope these help
for anyone else reading, feel free to post your own tips and websites