Possibly Related Posts on WordPress Blogs

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I looked at one of my posts today and What the hell is this? There was a link at the bottom of my post for “possibly related” content. It was a link to a photo site of Red Hook Ballfields.

Yo, I control my blog. Links on my website are JO approved only. I would never put up spam for my readers. This completely ruins my integrity.

Luckily, there is a solution to take off this feature:

From your main page, click on DESIGN -> EXTRAS
Check: Hide related links on this blog, which means this blog won’t show up on other’s blogs or get traffic that way

Part of me says ‘maybe this is good, it might give me some link love’ but I just cannot sacrifice my integrity like this. I am not particularly a fan of all the new wordpress changes.

thanks Lorelle

What’s the Difference Between Categories and Tags?

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I made the mistake originally with this blog of giving categories to all the related items with each blog post. Now I have the massive job of converting the categories to tags and figuring out which categories I want to have set here.

Tags and categories are used for search engines to be able to find which webpages are the most relevant to the words being searched. The SE will take into consideration website names, post titles, text sizes, categories, tags, links, and other factors.

Your list of categories could be used as a sidebar or widget on your blog. You can use this as a way for onlookers to navigate your site and find your posts related to that topic.

Categories can be used for people who are already on your site. Tags are for people to find it.

Tags are all words related to your post. You can just go off on this and type a million tags – you will only clutter that post. If you are spamming though, the more tags the less weight the tags hold though, but if you are an honest blogger you shouldn’t have to worry about this.

You want to put as tags specific words or phrases that people may search for to find your post. Put yourself in the person’s keyboard who might want to find you. What would they google search?

You can have multiple categories for a post.

There is much more to categories vs tagging, but this is just a start.

How do I put chevrons or angle brackets aka < or > in wordpress??


For some reason, all of the sudden, I am having trouble putting code into my wordpress blog. I didnt have trouble before, and the <code> function was not working either.

how do I put
angle brackets or chevrons
in my wordpress blog? or other finicky blogs and internet interfaces??

for < you put in &lt;
for > you put in &gt;

Now I want to get noticed

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I can’t believe people actually read my blog~ Who? why?? I looked at the persons blog who commented on my blog – and it was pretty interesting. EVERYbody’s interesting. Everyone has something to say. and nothing is fine too. I might be hooked. Am I late to the game? doesnt matter, b/c I am here.

So, now I care about getting out there. Popularizing my blog. I get to be competitive sometimes, and I want to be top ten. How do I do this?
First, tagging. There are wordpress tags – which are your categories.


what is technorati? why should I care?
Technorati indexes blogs from all over and allows you to search for topics within them. Like a google for blogs. bloogle, right. If you are accessible to technorati, people from all avenues of blogging will check you out, not just on wordpress.

To get your blog involved with technorati, check out:

They have a lot of great information on the technorati website. I am learning a lot from there.

I don’t know how that first person who commented found my blog, or why, but I am hooked and I want more. I am now tagging.

Del.icio.us is another site that is on my radar, but haven’t yet gotten around to. I am realizing now that there are SO many sites out there that are popular. I feel not in touch sometimes when someone mentions a site that I have never heard of – especially at work. There are so many, and no one could be expected to be operational with all of them. not simultaneously. As long as we have the capability to learn it in an hour, we will all do fine.

There must be more to popularizing blogs. I will keep you (?) updated.

<a href=”http://technorati.com/claim/bh3aqquwyg&#8221; rel=”me”>Technorati Profile</a>