Conversation Starters at Christmas


What would Jesus buy you for christmas?
Do you remember any of your gifts from last year?
Who is the oldest person at your christmas party?
What questions are you not looking forward to the most this christmas?
Is Santa Claus really Jesus dressed up? does he think it’s halloween?
How many days of christmas are there?
Name Santa’s reindeer.
Are you really proud of any of the presents you bought this year?
When did you realize Santa Claus wasn’t real?
Should you be in trouble for something? (if they say no, just look at them)
What food do you most look forward to at Christmas?
What is your least favorite christmas food?
for jews: what do you normally do on christmas? do you have any traditions?
What’s a great compliment you’ve received?
What is a compliment you have given that you were really proud of?
Did you ever receive coal in your stocking as a child? was there a time when you should have?
What are your family traditions?
Write a christmas song to the tune of….?
Do you have any go-to christmas gifts?
Would you return a christmas gift without telling the giver?
Tell me what it’s like to have finals over.
What happens when someone brings a person to christmas that doesnt really belong there?

Thanksgiving Questions to ask your family

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Here are a list of questions designed to ask your family during thanksgiving
Thanksgiving themed questions:

At the table:

For gparents/parents: how did you meet?

What do you like about grandma (their partner)?

If you could take one thing off of this thanksgiving table, what would it be?

Add one thing?

If I told you someone was gay at this table, who do you think it would be?

If you could have one giant balloon like in the macys day parade, what would it be of?

For older people:

Have you ever been fired?

What is something you regret?

Do you have any advice for me?

What do you think of the political instability of Pakistan?

Do you have a special thanksgiving dish you make? What is the secret to making it so good??

Is turkey a country?

We are having tofurkey this year. Does that suck?

If God came down from the heavens and asked you to take a bite of his turkey sandwich, would you?

Questions to ask people on their birthday

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How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

Do you ever lie about your age?

Have you ever completely forgotten a birthday of one of your close friends or family members?

What was the most memorable birthday party you’ve attended?

Are you upset if someone forgets your birthday?

Would you rather have a pinata or a cake?

Has anyone ever done something extra special for you for your birthday?

When is the best time of year to have a birthday?

Who was the first person to say happy birthday to you this year?