We had a problem at a company I’ve started working as a tech consultant…

They were having trouble setting email alerts in the Goldmine CRM program, they wanted each computer to get notifications if emails were sent to a multiple email accounts. Because goldmine didnt have a notification system that worked cleanly, I thought about a third party software…

Pop Peeper was my solution. This program is very simple, it runs in the background, and doesnt seem to intrude. You can use it to retrieve email, but what I am using it for is the notification window that pops up on the bottom left corner of the screen when you have a new message. From there, you can choose to access it through your own email client (goldmine, hotmail, outlook, etc), access through POP Peeker, or just ignore it.

Another fun option is the ability to have the scroll lock LED blink on your keyboard when you have a new message – cool right?? It is called “Flash scroll lock” – It’s about time they put that key to work.

I chose to have an icon visible next to the clock so the employees would have peace of mind that it is running and working. It is very important for people to have reassurance that everything is working.

What is also impressive is the fluidity of the website. The FAQs are straightforward and easy to navigate. The entire site is very functional, clean, but still has some fun ways of navigating.

I do not endorse much, when I do, you can bet it is a great, no hassle, functional program. I hereby endorse POP Peeper.

Check it out if you think it can help you. Send your problems my way – I’ll find you solutions.

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