How Do I Remember All My Passwords? and tips for creating one…

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“Hello! Help solve the problem.
Very often try to enter the site, but says that the password is not correct.
Regrettably use of remembering. Give like to be?
Thank you!”

How do I remember all my passwords?
So by this time there are a million sites that we are subscribed to. And every one you have to log in with a password…
the problem is now I literally have 100 different sites with many different passwords.
There are a few methods by which I keep my passwords in an orderly fashion. I use them all, and it still is very confusing. Here is the first of my solutions:

Keep a handwritten copy of all your passwords in a very safe, secret location. Probably a safe is the best place for this. It might be a good idea to have a centralized location for all your passwords. I don’t recommend having a file on your computer, because I don’t believe anything on your computer is 100 percent safe, plus there is no refund (like if your bank’s account is comprimised, they will protect and help you regain your assets), your just basically screwed if someone finds it. Do not keep this in your desk drawer, you idiot!

A second thing I do is have my password have varying degrees of security depending on which sites I am using. Some sites will get a very encrypted password system while others may not have as much. The reason for that something like a a forum based site will probably have less internal security than say, your bank’s website. Therefore, I do not want these cheesy websites having access to my very secure password which I use for sites dealing with money.
Also, you may want to consider if you will be sharing your password with anyone. For instance, at least 4 of my friends know my myspace password, its not very encrypted – its the last name of someone and a number. Could really be anyone, so bring it.

Tips for creating a password: If I am looking to crack someones password, I will usually try their name, their kids, their dog, their cat, their town, “password”, “123456”. Needless to say, you should not use any of these. Robots will try to access your password using real words generally – like dictionary words. Try using a crazy nickname for a friend, or a word you made up, mix a number or two in there – anything thats not in the dictionary. Try the word ‘gullible’. Another trick is to use an acronym for a phrase that you like, such as “Jeff rocks the house so why not you” that might be Jrthswny … Thats a really good password! Id love it if everyone recites this phrase 10 times a day!

How Do I Start a Blog?

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