People are always asking me how to put up a song on myspace.

At first I told them the easy solution, which would be to find the band on myspace that performs that song, and if they have the option to, click add next to/under the song – and that will add that song to your profile.

Another easy solution is to have an Artist’s profile. In this case, you can upload 4 songs at a time. BUT, it is extremely shadey if the songs are not yours, because by uploading them this way, you are insinuating that these are songs created by you. So – be sure to upload only your own songs to your myspace profile.

I used to tell them these were the only solutions. It’s not true. if you have ever asked a question, someone else has also. And if you google it, you will see that someone else has found the answer already. Heres the answer…

So… What if the song you want is not on the artists page? This is the question most people are intending when they ask. I will assume you already have the song on mp3. If you don’t, I believe in you that you can get it without me being explicit here.

Keep in mind that most artists (and the suits they work for) don’t appreciate your use of their songs without permission, blah blah blah lawsuit blah blah copyright infringement. I will assume you created your own audio recording and put it on mp3…

Here is a website to make it all very simple for you. You can upload your mp3 or WMA, and embed it by cutting and pasting the code from the site to one of the sections in your profile (like About Me). The code will say EMBED next to it. EMBED is used whenever you want to put some code in your profile or elsewhere that will insert a player of some sort or an internet gadget.

Be Safe. Send me your questions.